Colour Psychology in Interior Design by Surrey Interior Designers, Jessica Lightbody

Updated: Oct 16, 2023

Colour Psychology by JL

Colour psychology is the study of how colours influence thought, feeling, and behaviour in people. It is a field that investigates the ways in which various hues can evoke various emotions or sentiments and the ways in which these emotions might affect behaviour and decision-making. Here are some examples of how colours can be interpreted in terms of psychology:

  • Red: This colour is often associated with passion, excitement, and energy. It can also be associated with danger or warning, as seen in stop signs and traffic lights.

  • Blue: This colour is often associated with calmness, trustworthiness, and intelligence. It can also be associated with sadness or melancholy.

  • Green: This colour is often associated with nature, growth, and harmony. It can also be associated with envy or greed.

  • Yellow: This colour is often associated with happiness, optimism, and friendliness. It can also be associated with caution or warning, as seen in caution signs.

  • Orange: This colour is often associated with excitement, enthusiasm, and creativity. It can also be associated with aggression or danger.

  • Purple: This colour is often associated with royalty, luxury, and creativity. It can also be associated with mystery or spirituality.

To elicit a particular feeling or mood in consumers, colour psychology is frequently utilised in marketing and advertising. It can also be used in interior design to elicit a particular mood or ambience. It's crucial to remember, though, that individual experiences and cultural differences can also impact how people see and interpret colours.

With its ability to influence how people feel or behave in a room, colour psychology can be a potent tool in interior design. You can incorporate colour psychology into your home interior design in several ways, as follows:

  1. Choose a colour scheme: Start by selecting a colour scheme based on the mood you want to create. For example, if you want to create a calm and relaxing space, you might choose shades of blue or green. If you want to create a vibrant and energetic space, you might choose bright colours like orange or yellow.

  2. Use accent colours: Once you have your base colour scheme, consider adding accent colours to create depth and interest. These can be complementary colours or contrasting colours, depending on the look you're going for.

  3. Consider the room's function: When selecting colours for a room, it's important to consider the room's function. For example, if you're designing a bedroom, you may want to use calming colours to promote relaxation and restful sleep.

  4. Pay attention to lighting: Lighting can have a big impact on how colours appear in a room. Consider the natural light in the room, as well as any artificial lighting you plan to use.

  5. Experiment with textures: Don't forget that texture can also impact how a colour is perceived. Consider incorporating different textures, such as a plush rug or textured wallpaper, to add depth and interest to your design.

Ultimately, the goal of using colour psychology in interior design is to create a space that feels harmonious and balanced and reflects the mood or atmosphere you wish to create.


Understanding Colour Psychology in Commercial Interior Design: A Guide by Jessica Lightbody, Interior Designers Surrey.

Colour holds immense power in influencing our emotions, moods, and perceptions. In the realm of commercial interior design, selecting the right colours can significantly impact the overall ambiance and success of a space. For interior designers in Surrey, a thorough understanding of colour psychology is paramount to creating functional and appealing commercial interiors. Let's delve into how the strategic use of colour can transform a commercial space.

The Impact of Colour on Emotions

Colours evoke specific emotions and reactions. For instance:

Blue: Conveys trust, tranquility, and professionalism. Ideal for corporate spaces. Blue is an ideal colour for branding of banks, trust companies and financial institutes.

Red: Stimulates excitement, energy, and urgency. Suitable for retail, entertainment areas. but especially restaurant interior design.

Green: Represents nature, balance, and health. Ideal for health and wellness spaces.

Yellow: Elicits optimism, warmth, and creativity. Great for stimulating enthusiasm in creative workplaces. Also ideal for studies and yellow aids in clarity and clear thinking.

Creating Harmonious Colour Schemes.

Effective use of colour requires creating harmonious colour schemes that align with the brand's identity and purpose of the commercial space. Interior designers in Surrey should consider the following:

Complementary colours: Using colours opposite each other on the colour wheel for dynamic contrast.

Analogous colours: Utilising adjacent colours for a soothing and cohesive look.

Monochromatic scheme: Employing variations in lightness and saturation of a single colour for a sophisticated ambiance.

Balancing Colour Intensity and Proportion

Balancing the intensity and proportion of colours is crucial. For instance:

Dominant colour: The primary colour in the design scheme, occupying the most significant area.

Secondary colour: A supporting colour that complements the dominant one, occupying a smaller proportion.

Accent colour: A pop of vibrant colour used in small doses to draw attention and add interest.

Considering the Space's Purpose

Understanding the purpose of the commercial space is vital. Different colours have varying impacts based on the space's function:

Restaurants: Warm tones like red and orange stimulate appetite and social interaction.

Spas and wellness centres: Cool, calming colours like blue and green promote relaxation and tranquility.

Offices: Neutral tones like beige and grey with pops of energising colours can enhance productivity and focus.

Adapting to Cultural and Demographic Preferences

Cultural and demographic factors influence colour perceptions. Interior designers in Surrey should consider the local culture and target demographic to ensure the chosen colours resonate effectively.

Testing and Iteration

Finally, it's essential to test colour choices and iterate based on feedback and observations. Mock-ups and prototypes can help visualise how colours interact in the actual space before final implementation. Mastering colour psychology in commercial interior design is indispensable for Surrey interior designers, Jessica Lightbody. By harnessing the emotional and psychological impact of colours, designers can craft compelling, functional spaces that resonate with the brand and enhance the overall commercial experience.